who we are

About African Education and Health Initiative (AFEDHI)

The African Education and Health Initiative (AFEDHI) is a non-profit organization with 501 c3 approved in United State of America. It was founded in 2015 with the intention of providing African students from KG to college educational materials such as textbooks, writing materials, backpacks, computers and other study aids and equip schools and public libraries around the schools with relevant books and other academic materials to support the student’s educational needs and goals. We are also working in providing scholarship opportunities for as many students in various categories that lacks financial capability in pursuing their academic ambition up to colleges and universities level.


Our Vision in the united states

AFEDHI also committed in making her impact felt in our local community here in United State of America by educating the community through collaboration with the local and state government on what they need to know and do and do them right daily to better their lives.


Our mission

Our mission

Most African children who attend school never owned their personal book. The mission of AFEDHI is to end the scarcity of books for the students in Africa starting from the rural areas in Nigeria. 

We intend to identify those schools and the public libraries in rural areas deficient in books and other educational materials to be avail with relevant school supplies and laboratory equipment.


Our vision

To ensure African students, especially in the rural areas and suburbs, starting from Nigeria have access to affordable books and other school supplies and have their school libraries, and public libraries equip with educative materials.

Make scholarship opportunities availa pursuing their academic ambition up to colleges and university levels is part of our vision.

To supply most local clinics and hospitals with the basic health care materials by 2030.

Our story

Propper education and orientation of the Africans and other communities living in the community where our NGO is founded through partnership with the local and state government with the support of corporation’s families’ individuals and organizations by bringing awareness about the issues that concerns them like immigration, education social-cultural activities, healthcare, legal matters and other activities they need to know in carry out their daily activities without much stress.

What we Do

Our primary causes

Did you know that an average of 5- 10 students shares one academic book in Africa. Nigeria and other African countries have a lot of schools without adequate books supply and other learning materials for the pupils and their libraries. Most of the schools in Africa most especially Nigeria has no adequate and equipped library and laboratory. Majority of the Schools and public library with the school laboratory shelves are empty.  




Our resolve to educational causes

AFEDHI believes the best legacy that can be given to the kids is education. Education is the only way to end the circle of poverty anywhere in the world and make the life of young generation better than that of the older ones. Education is the bridge between the children of the poor and the rich people. We are trying to renew the hope of millions of children who would not have access to formal education due to lack of educative materials and financial capabilities.

our resolve to health causes

AFEDHI is also making sure that majority of local clinic and hospitals in Africa Starting from the rural areas in Nigeria have accessible medical facilities needed to improve the health of the people.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (235)-135-6213